Inside the mind of a CyberPunk. At the age of twelve I was introduced to my first computer, a ZX Spectrum, bought as a christmas present by a elderly relative that had little idea of the seed of 'evil' she had planted into my mind. This 'evil' manifested itself as a struggle to fill my mind with computer literacy, I strived to be the best, I strived to know everything and ultimately I strived to destroy anyone or anything that would stop me from reaching this goal. At the tender age of fourteen I had already 'hacked' my first piece software, admitadely it was little more than getting extra lives on my favourite game, but the pure adrenalin rush of 'beating' the code was enough to make me hooked for life. Like some sort of half crazed addict I found myself spending hours trying to break software systems, and why was I doing this, was it for financial gain, was it for any 'almighty' cause, well looking, back I now realise it was purely for the hell of it. I now crack commercial programs, cracking software routines that are implemented to stop computer piracy, and why do i do this, just because its a challenge just because I know that cracking these programs and releasing the method onto the internet is illegal, wow illegal the idea of getting caught or 'busted' as we CyberPunks like to call it is enough to make my adrenalin race again. I suppose in the same way a heroin addict needs his rush of drugs, we too need this rush of body electrifying adrenalin. We often hide behind idea's that we hack because we are standing for some almighty cause using phrases like "The Free software rebels will never bow to the profiteering software houses", also whenever I release a method of obtaining free phone calls through BT or any of the cellular networks I often add a short message saying I've done it because I feel the corporate companies are ripping us off and this is my revenge, but is it really that clean cut, can it really be for that reason, I think not. I do it because it gives me a feeling of power, a feeling of superiority, they implemented a sytem and I beat it. I'm better than them! You may be wondering just who are these CyberPunks, are we sad spotty school children, spending every hour in front of flickering computer monitors , pouring over streams of date flickering onto or screen? Well the simple answer is no, I myself am 24 years old and work as a finacial advisor for a large Insurance Company. I have masses of data that would be enough to have me locked up for the rest of my life, I used to run several cloned mobile phones, I teach younger would be hackers all I know. You are probaly asking yourself why I do it, why risk all I have in life for the sake of being a CyberPunk, well what would you rather be, a plain old comformist or a CyberPunk? I have risen to a position of 'God' in my field, I am veiwed by many as a informmation guru, I am 'somebody' in this world of 'nobodys'. At work I'm known as Dave the financial advisor, at my leisure time I'm known as 'Kaos' ( a name I gave myself to reflect the chaos I cause the security departments ). I am someone, I am a CyberPunk, and yes I am proud of it. Although admitadly I commit crimes, I'm no criminal, my crime is that of wanting to outsmart you, my crime is that of curiosoty, my crime is that of beating you. Kaos.